Flexagain or Smartflex for joints?


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Question the Veterinarian - Recommended Supplement for Joints


SARAH: What is the joint supplement you most recommend, and would you recommend an all-in-one supplement for a horse that needs joint support? DR LYDIA GRAY: I saw that question and didn't really understand it. I can go online and look at it. You can click. You can sort by best sellers, and it looks like our best selling product is the SmartCombo Ultra. The joint supplement in this all-in-one multi-combo formula is SmartFlex 3 Resilience Pellets, which is a great formula. Because it is designed to be taken with our SmartFlex Wizard- SARAH: Family? SmartFlex series? DR LYDIA GRAY: The wizard for the Smart- SARAH: Oh, the SmartFlex finder.


DR LYDIA GRAY: Yes, the SmartFlex Finder. I have a middle-aged adult horse that does moderate to heavy work and competes, and he pulls out SmartFlex 3 Resilience Pellets. Because it's got really good levels of glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, HA, MSM, all that good stuff. SARAH: And they also support soft tissue, right? DR LYDIA GRAY: And soft tissue support for tendons and ligaments, right. And the second part was, what do you think about all-in-one supplements? The SmartCombo Ultra is a great product. It has the joint ingredients you're looking for, as well as hoof, skin and coat, and my favorite is probably digestion.


It has the SmartDigest Ultra ingredients in it, so you're approved for ColiCare, which is great. SARAH: And ColiCare is a really great program. When Debbie asked for recommendations, I wanted to make sure that I could give anyone who's looking at the product and maybe hasn't been to the SmartPak website, if you look, we have a lot of reviews. DR LYDIA GRAY: Oh, yeah. SARAH: We have a lot of products with many hundreds of reviews from horse owners. So you can see recommendations on how it works on a horse that's doing the same discipline as you or things like that. So go online and read the reviews.


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